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Sister Circle

Sister Circle

On the third Friday of each month, we meet via Zoom to spend informal time together. It is a time to be yourself, share, laugh, eat, have a cup of tea, and just be there for each other. Prior to COVID we met in people’s homes once a month. We brought our own supper and the host provided a dessert and beverages. We hope to return to this format someday but for now we have had the joy that those who moved away can still attend!!



Contact Name

Linda DiDario


Youth Group

Middle school and high school students meet one time a month on a Sunday night to share a meal, spend time with each other, share scripture, plan local community missions, and get to know each other better outside of the formal church service/Sunday school environment.

Contact Name

Linda DiDario


Sunday School

We are a one-room Sunday school class and, thanks to an awesome group of kids and teachers, we have made it work for many years, even on Zoom during COVID!! We are following the “Feasting on the Word” curriculum published by Presbyterian Church USA. It allows for bible reading, discussion, and active participation.

Contact Name
Linda DiDario



Food on the First - Food collection for

El Centro Hispanoamerica in Plainfield
Family Promise - Social Services,

homeless shelter.
CROP Walk - Fundraiser to fight hunger

& improve access to clean water.
One Great Hour of Sharing -

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Sandwiches made for St. Joseph Social Services Food Pantry in Elizabeth.

Souper Bowl Sunday


Contact Name

Bonnie Ruggiero


Adult Forum

Various Themes throughout the year


The studies are led by congregation members 

or guests


Contact Name
Linda DiDario

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Willow Grove Presbyterian Church, 1961 Raritan Rd, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 - Phone (908) 232-5678  - Fax (908) 889-2011

Worship Service every Sunday at 10:00 am

Office hours: Monday to Thursday 9:30 am - 2:30 pm


©2023 by Willow Grove Church

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