Welcome to
Willow Grove Presbyterian Church

Church Schedule
Online Prayer Meetings
Every Sunday at10:00 am
Worship Service for all ages with Nursery Care; Sunday School for children and youth begins after the children's message.
Food On the First - Communion Service on the First Sunday of every Month at 10:00 am.
Livestream Sundays at 10AM!
Follow us on YouTube
to watch live or past recordings.
Online Prayer Meetings
Online Prayer Meetings
We warmly invite everyone to join us in our weekly prayer meetings via Zoom. These meetings are a wonderful opportunity to find encouragement in our Christian journey, uplift one another through prayer, and grow in faith together.
Mondays 1 pm [click here]
Meeting ID: 815 6340 1054
Passcode: 445248 -
Wednesdays 7:30 [click here]
Meeting ID: 850 3117 4973
Passcode: 406018
Below is this Sunday's Bulletin
(for phone full view, click on the title above)

What's Happening at Willow Grove
This Week at Willow Grove​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Join us after service this Sunday, March 30th for the third installment of the Adult Forum on Idolatry, led by John Konopka. Refreshments will be available before the forum, and all are welcome to attend!
"Food on the First" every first Sunday of the month, and Worship Service every Sunday at 10 am.
Sunday School is during the service and the nursery is provided downstairs for children under age 5.​​​
Join us for our weekly prayer meetings! The Zoom links are available on the church website.
Mondays at 1 pm: Led by Bonnie and August.
Wednesdays at 7:30 pm: Led by Judy and Paul.
Let’s come together in prayer and seek the presence of God as we lift
up our hearts and intercede for one another. Everyone is welcome!
Join us for the “The Gospel: From Beginning to End” Bible Study series every Thursday at 10:30 AM, in person or via Zoom.​
​ What’s Ahead at Willow Grove​​​​​​​​
Rev Park’s regular office hours are from 10 am to 3 pm on Wednesdays and 12 to 3 pm on Thursdays. Appointments during this time or at another time can be scheduled by emailing him at pastor@willowgrovechurch.org or contacting the church office. The Church Secretary's Office Hours are Monday to Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Next week, we will have the second session of the New Members Class in the lounge. Everyone interested is welcome to join, whether you’re a new member or not.
Join us April 19, 2025 for our Easter Egg Hunt
Our Mission
Reflecting God's love,
we love and serve all neighbors
Willow Grove Presbyterian Church

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